The project From Access to Equality (FATE): Empowering Women to Access Justice in Uganda, a four-year project funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and led by Avocats Sans Frontières in partnership with the Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET), Penal Reform International (PRI), and BarefootLaw (BFL) was envisaged with the overall goal to contribute to “the empowerment of women and girls so that they can pursue justice in an environment that serves their needs”. The overall goal will be achieved through a two-pronged approach in which (i) women are able to demand justice and (ii) decision-makers mobilise to make women and girls’ rights effective. The project is implemented in Northern Uganda (Acholi land), Eastern Uganda (Busoga and Karamoja), and Western Uganda (Bunyoro).

Accelerating Innovations in Access to Justice through Research

BarefootLaw will, for two years, undertake a grassroots research project to learn about the practices employed for accessing justice in various communities and the results of those practices. The project is designed to demonstrate, through research, that innovation is an accelerator for access to justice in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi.
The project goal is to review the practices in the access to justice space to build and share evidence-based information on innovations that enable access to justice for unconnected and underserved communities.
“The Mott Foundation values the importance of evidence-informed programming, and we are pleased that BarefootLaw is embarking on a journey to document people-centred justice innovations. While there have been many innovations in justice delivery in Africa, we have not yet seen any research highlighting what works and what does not for a people-centred approach. We look forward to seeing the results of the study.”
– Lorenzo Wakefield, Program Officer, CS Mott Foundation


LEWUTI is focused on using digital means to equip women, especially the vulnerable and underserved, with knowledge and skills regarding their rights. BarefootLaw uses a combination of approaches including technology, audio-visual and traditional means to provide legal knowledge and assistance to women, both in rural and urban areas. The first initiative under LEWUTI was the Women’s Property Rights Initiative (WPRI) which was executed in partnership with Kubere Information Centre under Women of Ugandan Network (WOUGNET) and Teso Women Peace Activists (TEWPA) and focused on providing legal knowledge and assistance to women, both in rural and urban areas about their property rights.